This blog


One slightly unexpected but pleasant surprise for me in the launch of the new Brilliant Noise was how energising I found it to have the new website and its blog go live.

Developed with craft and care by Endless and Brighton’s patron-saint-of-Wordpress David Lockie, the site looks and feels right. But it’s what’s to come that I found excited – I realised that I had a real imperative to start blogging more often, as part of helping it come to life.

Blogging’s going to be important for Brilliant Noise, because it is a new venture that needs to find its voice. Blogging’s perfect for that, with all the benefits that come from thinking, writing and working in public with a network that I’ve learned about on this blog.

But blogging’s important to me too. This blog will continue, as ever as my personal public notebook. Somewhere where I can worry less about the rough edges on a post…

Even when I’m quiet for a while, blogging’s a big part of how I think and work. Every time I come back to it with a re-newed focus and new energy I feel thrilled to be doing it.

: : By the by, Perhaps fittingly, this blog was completely stripped down and re-built this week. Again David Lockie’s work, but unfortunately neccessitated by having been hacked and infested with a whole bunch of spam and black hat SEO nastiness.

It was a tough lesson to learn though – and a relatively expensive one.

I’m now paying for a service called VaultPress which automatically backs up Open… for me.

Thanks to everyone who spotted the problems and offered advice. I think we’re back in business…

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