Megite soars in popularity – overtakes Tailrank


The excellent Megite has surged ahead in visitors and users.  Its founder Matthew Chen tells me that he is now racking up more visitors than Tailrank, according to traffic website Alexa.


The really cool thing about Megite is that it is an aggregator that will let you create your own version by submitting an OPML file (a file summarising your RSS feeds, basically – I know there’s more to it than than but I’m acknowledging my techie limitations). Obviously, the chief application is to use it as a more personal, tailored version of Techmeme, a personal newspaper influenced by your own sources.

Another possible use is to create lenses to see the world through the eyes of a community. For instance, by creating a blog-roll / OPML file of a community of interest, say publishing , you would then be able to see a list of hot / interesting stories from that sector and watch how it develops. I think that would be a great way of seeing the online universe through the eyes of community you were wanting to understand more about.

Technorati tags: megite, , tailrank, , ,

4 responses to “Megite soars in popularity – overtakes Tailrank”

  1. No soup for you.

    First you made the mistake of trusting Alexa or even referencing them. Their traffic is amazingly unreliable. It isn’t even comparing apples to oranges anymore. More like apples to elephants.

    Second. Even if you do assume that Alexa is 100% accurate daily spikes/fluctuations are normal within Alexa’s data.

    For example if you go back to Alexa right now they’ve corrected this and Tailrank is now beating Megite again.

    No story here.

    Third. Back to the Alexa problem. They’re showing Tailrank as flat all across the board. This is simply incorrect as we’re seeing traffic increase from 50-100% each month.

    Long story short things are going amazingly well :)

    I should also note that Tailrank was the first memetracker that shipped personalized recommendations with OPML import in the “My Tail” feature. This was available long before Megite offered it.

    And thanks for using the Tailrank tag. It’s hard to keep track of posts which just link to us vs are actually talking about our product.



  2. You’re right – they’re unreliable.

    Thanks for commenting – hopefully Matthew Chen will have some thoughts to add…

    And I will be checking out Tailrank personalisation…

  3. Alex data is not reliable, but people often use it as the measurement for the competitors. We may have made a mistake here, but we will see in the future. Megite’s traffic skyrockets recently and it is in a good shape to catch up.

  4. To add to Kevin’s comments, it’s pretty aggressive to say that a few day spike in Alexa in the middle of the Christmas/New Year season amounts to ‘soaring popularity’. Many small or medium-traffic US sites that are not shopping holiday-related take a nosedive in Alexa between 15 December – 2 January. Some, like megite, saw the opposite for a few days. I think it would be more appropriate to make this statement after weeks or months of consistent trend data in Alexa.

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