Newspapers love blogs


Just like search engines, we knew that already…

Have a look at this great article about the love affair on American Journalism Review:

The Fourth Estate has fallen fast and furiously in love with blogs, from news-driven ones about professional sports teams, real estate, crime, Hurricane Katrina, immigration and local and national politics to zanier ones that dive deep into niche subcultures.

….But newspapers’ current passion for blogging is fueling a vigorous, industry-wide debate about everything from staffing to sourcing, standards to liability. There’s an inevitable clash of values between a newspaper, which has a journalistic reputation and brand name to protect, and a swiftly changing medium that has grown in power and prestige precisely because it has flouted many of journalism’s traditional rules.

Blogs scare editors, but they love them too. How can you face that much potential and creativity and not fall a little bit in love with them…

Via Micropersuasion.

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