Brands: Forget Second Life islands – build your own world…

OK, this is interesting.

Multiverse: A free development platform for building your own virtual world has just gone into open beta.

What does that mean?

It means that all sorts of people will find it a lot, lot easier to build their own versions of Second Life, their own virtual worlds…

Have a look at the virtual world games that are in the pipeline – not direct Second Life-alikes (though rumours abound elsewhere of major entertainment companies building alternatives) but there’s a ton to choose from, from the predictable sci-fi fantasy plays to the intriguing Victoriana Online (“Amidst a glittering backdrop of fashionable English society, conspire against your rivals, cultivate your reputation, and secure your family’s legacy.”).

Who is going to be the first brand to build their own world then? Eh? Islands and skyscrapers in Second Life are soooo October 2006, dahlink – you need your own world… or community of worlds… or whatever…

And what about all the Second Life is the new video conference crowd? I bet WebEx is going to be building its own virtual meetings world right now.

Via the brilliant and head-spinningly interesting Positive Technology Journal.

: : On a personal note: I’m finding it hard to love Second Life. I mean, I love what it stands for, the possibilities, the first glimpse of a general-purpose metaverse. But I’m finding it hard imagine that I will be able to immerse myself in it enough to feel at home. Not til my children are a bit older, anyway ;-)… My experience of it is has been clunky, frustrating and only occasionally engaging. I really wouldn’t mind a dilettante version for people like me who are able to pop in for an hour or two a week…

: : : And then I come across a very intelligent discussion (a transcript from a meeting inside the game world) by some very cool people about “metaverse sustainability” – and their first concern is giving people good experiences in Second Life from the moment they arrive. Interesting reading if you’re wanting to dig in that direction.

4 responses to “Brands: Forget Second Life islands – build your own world…”

  1. LOL. Love the idea of a dilettante SL. I’m a paid-up SL sceptic, but the slacker’s version could swing me.

  2. Check out Disney’s Virtual Magic Kingdom:

    Coke Studios:

    and MTV’s Virtual Laguna Beach.

  3. Thanks for the links… especially the Magic Kingdom.

    Covered VLB previously ( and should have mentioned it.

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