EU wants to regulate your blog? Fat chance

Now I like the fact that there’s such a thing as the European Union. The bits I like are freedom of movement, that I can live anywhere I like, that the options that are open to me as a citizen are

Bits I don’t like are the bits of bureaucracy. Like the nonsense that’s being talked about regulating the web – the Television Without Frontiers directive.

See the Guardian Technology for more on Eurocrat lunacy…

But whatever they say or do, who on earth is going to enforce regulation on the millions of citizens who use video online?

: : Mind you I bet it’s the same “political correctness gone mad” people who hate the EU that want “something to be done” about content they don’t like on YouTube and MySpace.

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2 responses to “EU wants to regulate your blog? Fat chance”

  1. I’m anti-EU (though pro-free movement) and anti-censorship; guess that makes me an equal opportunity hater!

  2. Yep – thing is it took the EU to return freedom of movement in Europe…

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