Vote for vicious rumours on the Digg of gossip

A celebrity gossip version of Digg called Lipstick has started up,  reports Jeff Jarvis.

Anyone can submit stories, which are then voted on by readers to determine their prominence on the front page. So far only a few people seem to be taking part – top stories have ten or so votes against the thousands top news on Digg attracts.

Also, I think some Digg guys may be having some fun with it: a picture of a Turkey sandwich seemed to be the top story – unless there’s a celeb angle on it I don’t think that is the "celebrity gossip that matters to you" (check out the comments). Nor would the number four story which is about how transistors work…

We’ve already seen a VH1 play in this space and the guys behind the TechMeme aggregator also run We Smirch.

Given the booming UK celeb-news market in magazines, I ask again, how long before Heat or one of its rivals has its own version?

Maybe I should submit my bizarre Johnnie Vaughan sighting…

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One response to “Vote for vicious rumours on the Digg of gossip”

  1. Can somebody working in central London *please* drop by Admiralty Arch, and get a proper photo of the nose? I was very close to dropping by last night, but ended up working late, and was in a rush home. Now I’m not in the city for the rest of the week. And I can’t tell you how important this has become in my existence. Come on guys… it’s what cameraphones were invented for. (Probably.)

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