PR Week UK switches on to blogging

PR Week in the UK has (as trailed on PR blogs this week) at last run a feature on blogs.

Naturally it’s top-line stuff, but not a bad start overall. The piece uses the hiring of Bite‘s James Warren by Weber Shandwick to head a "web relations" division as a hook. It notes that the move was "hardly pioneering" because a lot of "big agencies now employ a blogging expert".

I’d say most of what agencies do in this field is pioneering at the moment. The rules have yet to be written and while the like of Edelman are hiring bloggers aplenty, and early pioneers like Niall Cook at Hill & Knowlton have been in this space for a year or so, working with social media is hardly a mature field.

: :NB:  PR Week’s Editor-in-chief Kate Nicholas also recounts the overwhelming theme of social media and consumer generated content at the magazine’s conference last week in her weekly column.

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6 responses to “PR Week UK switches on to blogging”

  1. Typical of PR Week, I would say. Do they really think that employing a blogging expert is all you need to be a pioneer?

  2. Am I missing something here??? PR Week write about blogging, maybe with the intention to generate a bit of interest, and stick the article behind a pay-wall. What a beauty!

  3. Hannah Marriott Avatar
    Hannah Marriott

    Was good to see your thoughts about the article in PRWeek. Just to clarify Niall, the article argued that it wasn’t pioneering just to employ a blogging expert. Anyway it’s great to see that you’re commenting about it, and – Anthony – that you thought it was a good start.

  4. Fair enough, Hannah. Although, I maintain that you still need more than just a solitary blogging expert on staff in order to advise clients on how blogs affect their reputation.

  5. Needs to be followed up with some more in analysis and advice though, now the subject has been broached. Marketing, Campaign and NMA have all covered blogging as a tool that their readers should be using now.

    There is a huge potential for PR to play a major role in helping brands and organisations to limit risk and make the most of opportunities in this spaoce. Are you going to be covering the social media beat, as it were, for PR Week from now on, Hannah?

  6. Hannah Marriott Avatar
    Hannah Marriott

    Sure, I’m always interested in any stories or ideas that would be of interest to our readers – ideally via email

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