Open source BBC: corporation trials public access to its archives

As reported widely this week on blogs, the BBC is running a trial in giving anyone access to its archive news content.

I’ve crowed enough about the way the BBC is fuelling innovation in new media outside as well as inside its organisation, so I won’t go on. One interesting aspect I noticed is the Creative Archive Licence which the Beeb has put in place, surely inspired by the open source movement’s Creative Commons approach to copyright.

I’m not likely to be one of the people re-purposing the content at this point, but even so its fun (for a tech/history/news addict like me) to browse reports including "Brandenburg Gate rumoured to be open" and "Fans gather for Elvis’s funeral". I’ll also be watching closely to see what the mash-up merchants and indie producers make with the content.

One response to “Open source BBC: corporation trials public access to its archives”

  1. News on Creative Archive

    Of course, I’m a bit late to this and many other bloggers have already circulated it wildly, but I’m…

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