2008: the end/beginning is nigh


Image: a macropoclyptic vision? 

Booting up me feeds at the beginning of this year (for I seriously took a break this Christmas) it was a little depressing to see Scoble & claque bickering about Facebook/Plaxo as a dominant topic of conversation.

I know there are important issues wrapped up in what was going on, but it made me sigh. Is this what it’s all going to be about this year?

I’m not inspired.

Then I click on a Bubblegeneration post and all’s right with the world. Or rather all’s wrong… but in a very interesting way.

What’s gonna happen in 2008? The macropocalypse.

It’s not a credit crunch, or a liquidity crisis. Unfortunately, it’s a lot deeper than most of us think.

Let me try and explain what’s really going on here.

The real problem is that the firm – the corporation, as the fundamental institution of production – is deeply and irrevocably broken. It’s DNA is in shock. The corporation we’ve created is a monster; a form of organization growing more pathological by the day

OK, Umair – but will Apple be releasing an ultraportable Macbook? Will Vista start to work? Will anyone buy YouTube? Will Second Life dollar trading pass $2 million a day. Well, says Mr Haque:

The need for fundamental, systemic reinvention has never been greater and more pressing. Tomorrow’s revolutionaries are going to face the task of reinventing the institutions of production – and they will unleash tidal waves of new value by doing so.

So forget predictions for 2008.

Right so. Love it.

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One response to “2008: the end/beginning is nigh”

  1. I agree. I thought that the Scoble/Facebook issue was frankly tiresome. (Happy new year btw)

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