9 minute Sopranos – fair use?

OK, so it’s an excuse for me to talk about the Sopranos again, but the Center for Social Media has published a report on the use of copyrighted material in social media and the (US) legal implications thereof.

Entitled “Recut, Reframe, Recycle” it’s finding is that

many uses of copyrighted material in today’s online videos are eligible for fair use consideration. The study points to a wide variety of practices—satire, parody, negative and positive commentary, discussion-triggers, illustration, diaries, archiving and of course, pastiche or collage (remixes and mashups)—all of which could be legal in some circumstances.

Interesting. Anyway, here’s one of the examples of “positive commentary” which the report cites – a nine minute summary of all six (and a half) series of the Sopranos – the greatest TV show so far, er, ever…

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