Will the last blogger to leave Brown’s Britain turn off the server?

No, I’ve not joined ConservativeHome I just couldn’t resist the play on the old Sun headline after reading Jackie D’s comments on a story about Gordon Brown.

Gordo’s rolling out a dreary idea for a web ratings system that is designed by the web-clueless to win votes from people of a Daily Mail disposition. Unfortunately they hate it too if the comments on the article are anything to go by.

Luckily I have faith in the rising web literacy of the UK and their ability to ignore such nonsense. Hey –  I’m an optimist…

Jackie feels such cretinism makes it easier for to leave the UK:

“I know it’s sort of rude to say this when I know there are British people ready my blog, but these pricks sure do make it easy to flee this country.”

Jackie’s moving to the US, but I don’t think the Government there has much of a clue about the web though – although Bush does of course use The Google

But then ignorant leaders who don’t meddle in our online freedoms are probably better than ignorant leaders who do…

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2 responses to “Will the last blogger to leave Brown’s Britain turn off the server?”

  1. I’m sure Jackie will be quite depressed when she gets to the USA and finds them proposing legislation that places an onerous burden of retaining personal data and reporting on all social and community websites

  2. Martin, as someone who’s very active in the civil liberties ‘scene’ (which means I, er, blog a lot about it, speak at conferences like Liberty 2006, and generally act like a gigantic pain in the arse whenever someone says things like “If you’ve got nothing to hide…”) I’m well aware of the ridiculous and offensive legislation being proposed in the US. However, I’d much rather live in a country where certain rights are enshrined in a written constitution and – more importantly – regarded as sacrosanct by the general population. Much as I love Britain (I have, after all, given it most of my adult – such as it is – life), there are times when the “Mustn’t grumble” attitude really doesn’t help matters. I’d like to see the spirit of the poll tax rioters come alive again here, but I’m not hopeful on the chances of that happening again anytime soon.

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