Will the last blogger to leave Brown’s Britain turn off the server?

No, I’ve not joined ConservativeHome I just couldn’t resist the play on the old Sun headline after reading Jackie D’s comments on a story about Gordon Brown.

Gordo’s rolling out a dreary idea for a web ratings system that is designed by the web-clueless to win votes from people of a Daily Mail disposition. Unfortunately they hate it too if the comments on the article are anything to go by.

Luckily I have faith in the rising web literacy of the UK and their ability to ignore such nonsense. Hey –  I’m an optimist…

Jackie feels such cretinism makes it easier for to leave the UK:

“I know it’s sort of rude to say this when I know there are British people ready my blog, but these pricks sure do make it easy to flee this country.”

Jackie’s moving to the US, but I don’t think the Government there has much of a clue about the web though – although Bush does of course use The Google

But then ignorant leaders who don’t meddle in our online freedoms are probably better than ignorant leaders who do…

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