Social-networking-is-a-fad articles may be a fad

Richard Wray’s weak angle on social networking being doomed due to the cancellation of a Terrapinn event in London may or may not have been the inspiration for a genius spoof of such articles by Shane Richmond at the Telegraph in a post entitled: Socialising: is it a fad?

This ‘networking’ can happen anywhere – at bus stops, in shops and even at friends’ houses. “My friend invited me over to his house,” one ‘networker’ told me on condition of anonymity. “It was really odd. He’d invited all these people I didn’t know and he expected me to talk to them. I don’t understand this desire to meet strangers. I mean, why do you think they call them strange?”

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One response to “Social-networking-is-a-fad articles may be a fad”

  1. Cancellation of Upload 2007 was probably more to do with it costing nearly £2K for a pretty weak line up of speakers. I’ve paid less than £400 for a full day of brilliant speakers including people like Bill Clinton.

    I’d have considered Upload at about £600 for both days, but asking more than a £1k is taking the ****. I’ve organised big conferences with big name speakers and understand the economics. Greed appeared to be the problem here.

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