NXTmedia publishes “digital edition” of the “What is social media” eBook

* Updated *

The guys at NXTbook Media have kindly turned the “What is social media?” eBook I wrote into a kind of groovy virtual book and it looks really good.

The pages are very readable and the whole experience works quite nicely. If you want to look at the text more closely you click on the page and it gives you a closer look:

You can also call up the table of contents anytime you like and save the file to your PC. All of the links work and well, I just think it’s great…

Not sure of what the search engine issues are around this kind of document, but I’ll be asking the head of search, Nilhan, his opinion and will report back if anyone is interested.

Don’t forget you can still download the PDF eBook from the Spannerworks website at www.spannerworks.com/ebooks.

* * Update: Michael Greenwood emailed me to give an update on the search engine indexing question:

Since we use Flash to build NXTbooks, we also push out an XML file of all the content in the background which gets indexed by the search engines. We’re also hopeful that the introduction of permalinks (we’re actually the first digital publisher to offer them) will also help our clients get indexed better. Would love to hear your expert’s thoughts on our strategy and ways to improve it.

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