“What is social media?” e-Book

If you’re a subscriber to this blog then you probably know a fair bit about social media already, but you may still be interested in the e-Book we published at Spannerworks today called (imaginatively) “What is social media?” to pass to colleagues, friends and family who are curious.

You can download the book at www.spannerworks.com/ebooks

The book is a romp through a definition of social media, why it is important, and how some of the main iterations (blogs, wikis, podcasts, content communities and social networks) and a bonus bit on Second Life.

All feedback more than welcome – it’s not intended as a defining work, just a helpful guide for people in media and marketing.

13 responses to ““What is social media?” e-Book”

  1. Good work, Anthony – an excellent primer for people from all walks. I’ll certainly plug it for you!

    I’m interested in your take on Second Life. To me, it’s the acceptable face of online gaming, especially MMORPGs. While it’s undoubtedly a success and is important, its numbers and cultural importance pale beside Everquest, Wow, Neverwinter Nights , etc. All of these have always have had as much of a social function as gaming, plus the creation of user media in the form of stories, levels and artefacts. However, because ‘computer games are for kids’, they don’t really get the same attention from commentators. They’re also approached much more suspiciously than Second Life is – as a source of violence in society, addiction and corruption.

    I’ll try to put some thoughts together.

  2. Cheers, Ian – great to get some positive feedback.

    Second Life’s difference I think is it’s non-Tolkeinesque / non-sci fi theme, which makes it both more acceptable, and understandable to more people, which is why it has got so much mainstream media coverage.

    I have an open mind this one, genuinely. I see it as a platform ‘pon which all sorts of other virtual world innovation is and may yet be built. But fascinating as it is, my interest at the moment is purely professional – I’ve not fallen for the world’s charms, nor had a chance to really immerse myself in it.

  3. I was hoping for a more ‘Mills & Boon’ style epic… but hey, it’s not bad.

    Obviously what I have read (which is not all, yet) is top notch stuff. It’s certainly made me rethink some of the terminology I’ve adopted. Excellent stuff.

  4. Spannerworks launches ebook on social media

    The search engine marketing firm, Spannerworks, has launched an ebook giving a ‘primer’to social media. The book, What is Social Media?, has been written by the firm’s Head of Content and Media and fellow blogger, Antony Mayfield. It looks good.

  5. London Calling

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  6. Great guide. Easy to read and well informed. Have plugged it on my blog as well for you.

  7. Social Media eBook Published

    Spannerworks, a search engine marketing company, has published a handy dandy guide to social media (PDF). The ebook covers the basics of blogs, podcasts, social networks, tagging, communities and Second Life. Thanks to Anthony Mayfield for sending me t…

  8. Very nice work Antony. This is a great companion piece to SHIFT’s eBook on PR 2.0 Essentials.

  9. What is social media?

    Spannerworks has just published a handy new e-book covering the basics of social media.

  10. A Bluffers Guide To Social Media

    by: Karl Long Antony Mayfield, head of content and social media at Spannerworks (which appears to be a SEO company) writes an interesting article for BrandRepublic.com where he lays out a high level summary of what social media might mean…

  11. Hey Antony, I finally got around to reading “What is Social media?” And what a triumph. A real down to earth overview of social media, true to the nature of the medium we are so passionate about. I salute you!

  12. Bluffers Guide to Social Media

    Social Media is the catch all term for the new forms of interaction and communication that the internet now makes possible. A chap called Antony Mayfield has written a basic guide explaining the key points about it, and it’s great.

  13. I found the e book today… really great work. Simple and straightforward. It’s helping me on my thesis paper.
    Just wanted to point out a simple mistake: on page 6 you say there are six kinds of social media, but you list 7. small think, but it was a good excuse to leave a message and say: thank you :)

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