Comment spam is back

So may say it never went away… but for the last six months or more Typepad’s verification measures have kept ’em off mine. I approve trackbacks before they go on so they aren’t a problem either.

Now I’ve had a slew of spam in the last few days. Looks like those vermin have found a new way in… Anyone else noticing more problems?

4 responses to “Comment spam is back”

  1. I’m still OK on comments for my own blog and those I manage for clients. However, the trackback spam is horrendous and getting worse by the day. I probably delete 95% of all the moderated trackbacks. Unfortunately I think I’m also sometimes deleting real ones by accident.

  2. My Trackback spam is pretty manageable right now, and generally being handled by SpamLookup without much intervention by me. I’ve noted a significant uptick in comment spam over the last three weeks, though. (Movable Type, not Typepad, but the two tend to go hand-in-hand on these things).

  3. Personally, I’ve seen quite a bit picking up over the last week. I moderate all comments/trackbacks (as most people do) but it’s getting more a chore to cycle through the moderation list and see what are legit comments and what are not. I know there are some great tools out there but its a matter of taking the time set them up – am strongly considering moving back to Blogger since they have a built in human readable authorisation meathod when commenting. Probably just a matter of time before most blogging tools have a similar tool built in. But unfortunately spammers are clever buggers – as long as there are people dum enough to continue to send money to unchecked sources they are going to to continue to make money and invest time in coming up with ways to counter anti-spam tools.

    By the way, would anyone like to invest in a new oil operation that I heard of in the Isle of Wight? Maybe help a Nigerian diplomat to channel his late father’s fortune overseas?

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