Engagement Alliance

As I  mentioned in my previous post, I went along to the Engagement Alliance event themed around MySpace (for it ranged far and wide on connected social media issues) earlier this week. It was just about the most enjoyable and stimulating thing I’ve been to in a long time (big up for Jackie Danicki who did the lion’s share of willing it all happen).


For the most part, the event was high-octane fuel for
social media thinking  and – ye gods! – there were some good minds there
(and people
weren’t afraid to speak them either)
on and off the stage .

David Tebbutt gives a really good account of the whole event from his perspective on his blog.

He mentioned that he missed the last presentation from Hillary Johnson of Kerabu, Inc‘s presentation. Luckily she has published two posts about what she was saying – which was pretty free thinking, stunning, stirring stuff about how economies and societies will function in the age of networks. In fact she was the perfect finale to an intellectual laser show of an afternoon – I’m sure Jacki planned it that way too.

I didn’t really mix it in some of the on-floor rows, but had some good chats afterwards and went away with a notebook and head crammed full of ideas and energy. Doesn’t get much better than that.

technorati tags: Engagement_Alliance Jackie_Danicki

2 responses to “Engagement Alliance”

  1. … you are very kind to suggest I covered the “whole event”. I actually just plucked out the bits that interested/amused me. There was a lot more ‘meat’ for newcomers to social media/computing than in my account. And I missed the last two presentations.

    But thanks for the link. Appreciated.

  2. Thanks so much for the kind words and review, Antony! It really means a lot to me. I wanted a conversational event that didn’t put anyone to sleep, and I am unspeakably pleased to read that you got so much value out of it. Thanks once again.

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