Open as a graph

* * UPDATED * *

See I love visual representations of data, me, so I’m a sucker for the websites-as-graphs meme, as caught like a cold from Charles Arthur’s blog…


It actually looks similar to some of the social network analysis stuff I’ve been working on with colleagues, but I have no idea what the nodes represent on this one, or how divine any meaning from it at all.

I wish the creator, Aref, would let us in on how it works (but maybe that would spoil the art of it…).

He mentions that the BBC want to interview him about it. Guess they still haven’t filled that data cleansing job yet… ;-)

Make your own at the website:

* * Update: Had to update this once I had seen Guillaume de Gardier‘s post on the same meme. He also points to a couple of very useful mappy type apps available online.

technorati tags: websitesasgraphs

5 responses to “Open as a graph”

  1. Antony, may I ask how long the program took to generate your graph? I found it last week via another blog and tried it then, but that was in the wake of our server repairs. I’ve let it run for 10 minutes after nding it on your blog again today, but I still see a grey box in my web browser.

  2. It started straight away, Jack, and then carried on drawing itself/expanding for quite some time.

  3. Thanks, Antony. I wonder if I have a Javascript problem on my computer.

  4. Hi antony!
    I’ve just finished reading your e-book on social media, very straightforward, interesting and well done. However, i am currently working on a marketing task regarding social networks and market segmentation.
    Would like to know whether you thought online social networks (facebook,twitter) are actually changing market segmentation techniques or u believe market segmentation is still based on the same techniques (demographics, psychographics).

    best regards

  5. Hi antony!
    I’ve just finished reading your e-book on social media, very straightforward, interesting and well done. However, i am currently working on a marketing task regarding social networks and market segmentation.
    Would like to know whether you thought online social networks (facebook,twitter) are actually changing market segmentation techniques or u believe market segmentation is still based on the same techniques (demographics, psychographics).

    best regards

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