Euan Semple podcast

If you want to hear more about how social media can be used within organisations, you could do a lot worse than spending a little of your high net-worth attention on Euan Semple.

A podcast interview in the run-up to Reboot ’06 this week gives you 25 minutes that covers Euan 101, including his work introducing social media at the BBC, which turns out to be a lesson to us all.

There’s a revolutionary bursting to get out of Euan. He’ll be manning the virtual barricades come the revolution. And when he talks about a "quiet revolution", but you just know he’d prefer a noisy one.

Have a listen and wonder out loud in your office why you aren’t using blogs and Wikis to start everyone talking and reduce the email and the "dead hand of control" sclerosis clogging the life out of your organisation.

And if you think that is someone else’s job to worry about it, listen to the words of a quiet-ish revolutionary:

"I think we’ve been conditioned to assume that others will take responsibility, that the role we can take in shaping the world is relatively minor in comparison to others. ButĀ  itsĀ  always actually been the case that the reason the world ends up the way they think it should is because they said it and kept saying it and took actions to make it that way."

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