“Screw the Nano” – 2005 reviewed, 2006 anticipated…

The whole blogosphere has gone pundit-tastic with entire gigabytes of servers now given over to predictions for 2006.

Since I have already given a few predictions for the future I’m not going to add to the noise. The most helpful link if you are looking for 2006 predictions on blogs comes (via the near-blog-omniscient Mr Rubel) from Fred Wilson, who has a del.icio.us page full of links to soothsaying posts here.

Two reviews of 2005 which are entertaining enough for you to take a look while it’s still the holidays, are:

1. Google’s Zeitgeist – top searches of the year. Remember the innocent days when “sex” was always the top internet search engine term? Now it’s “Janet Jackson”. What have we become…

2. Wired’s 2005 Foot-in-Mouth Awards, for gaffes by people in the tech world. My two favourites are Steve Ballmer on an engineer who defected to Apple (“I’m going to f***ing bury that guy, I have done it before, and I will do it again. I’m going to f***ing kill Google.”) and Motorola’s CEO who got a little annoyed when the Rokr debuted alongside the iPod Nano (“Screw the nano.”). This kind of bluff-talking gives the lie that tech execs are all corp-talking robots – there’s a (slightly angry) human in them all trying to get out.

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