Britain’s blog revolution: Guardian’s Digi:Nation survey

The Guardian‘s carried out a survey which finds that an amazing “more than a quarter” of the population have created their own website or blog.

 It was an “Harris online panel” which completed the survey, which generally makes me give survey results closer scrutiny on the basis that this may be a survey of people online who don’t mind answering surveys, a sample not necessarily representative of the population as a whole.

However, the Guardian’s story – by Owen Gibson – carries enough caveats and qualifications to be credible.

It doesn’t claim that one in four of us is blogging in the UK, just that one in four of use have set up some kind of website, which sounds plausible to me.

One trend that the study has identified is

The largest group identified by the researchers – dubbed Digi Joe Public – are regularly embarking on the kind of digital activities that just two years ago would have been considered the exclusive preserve of teenagers and early adopters.

Nearly four in 10 of that group have read a blog, with a quarter having started their own blog or website. Nearly three-quarters have downloaded music and almost a quarter have downloaded at least one movie.


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